'Funk Roberts Fitness LIVE Q&A - December 8, 2017'

'Join Funk Roberts for his first LIVE Q&A on YouTube where we he answers your questions about training, workouts, nutrition, prehab, supplements, martial arts, MMA, sports, music, motivation, family and anything else you want to talk about  Watch more of my videos! Subscribe:  http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=Marcroops  Click here to grab my FREE Bodyweight Workout DVD - https://funkroberts.clickfunnels.com/free-bodyweight-dvd  FREE Workout DVD Get it HERE - https://funkroberts.clickfunnels.com/free-bodyweight-dvd Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FunkMMA  Instagram: https://instagram.com/funkmma/ PODCAST -  https://www.spreaker.com/user/funkroberts/funkmma-strength-and-conditioning-podcas_1 Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/FunkMMA  Facebook Fitness: http://www.facebook.com/FunkRoberts Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-632782109 Funk Roberts University: http://funkfitnessuniversity.com/sales-page-new-2/ FunkMMA: http://www.funkmma.com  WARNING: THE INFORMATION OFFERED IN THIS VIDEO IS OFFERED AS OPINION ONLY. ALWAYS CONSULT YOUR PHYSICIAN BEFORE TRYING ANY NEW DIET OR EXERCISE PROGRAM. THIS WORKOUT ROUTINE MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR YOU.  ALWAYS WARM UP PRIOR AND STRETCH AFTER YOUR WORKOUT SESSIONS' 

Tags: nutrition , hiit , MMA , Martial Arts , metabolic workout , funk roberts , strength and conditioning , supplements , Muay Thai , #hangoutsonair , Hangouts On Air , #hoa , metabolic training

See also: 14 , walking workout , home workout , krafttraining , woman , fitnessstudio , program , physical fitness , coaching , abdomen

