'The Body Project: Group fitness training, support helps woman lose 50 pounds'

'CINCINNATI (WKRC) - She lost 50 pounds for the wedding and kept it off with the support of a fitness community, and it might be able to help you too.  \"I had recently gotten engaged, and I knew that I wanted to be in better shape for my wedding,\" Kristy Beagle said.  Beagle dropped 50 pounds with the help of personal group training at The Body Project.  \"We have multiple people in here at the same time, but they\'re each doing their own individual workout,\" said Brenda Gabbard, the owner and personal trainer at The Body Project.  Beagle says what started as just an effort to move more got her inside this neighborhood fitness center at least three days a week. You make an appointment for a window of time, and you end up sculpting the body and soul, often with others that stop here too.  \"That\'s what\'s great about here, having just these women around you kind of pumps up your spirit,\" Beagle said.  It also pumps up a few other things. Along the way Gabbard also had Beagle adapt a few recommendations from sports nutrition dietitian Angela Bruzina.  \"Their plate should look like more fruits and vegetables, so making sure half the plate has things like broccoli, salads, things like that, and then also making sure that their snacks include fruits and vegetables as well,\" said Bruzina.  What works according to Beagle and others is that this focuses on all fitness levels, all ages and all body shapes and sizes.  \"It\'s wonderful because you come together, and when you\'re in here, you all have one common goal, and that\'s just to better yourself,\" said Gabbard.  And even though \"better\" is different for everyone, Beagle said she\'s kept it up and kept the weight off five years since the wedding, simply because it\'s hard to argue with success.  The group training prices vary depending on the number of sessions purchased.' 

See also: legs , walking , zdrowa dieta , cele , jak schudnac , Athlean X , resistance band workout , rücken , brust , help

