'www.dreambody.clinic (833) 445-9089 info@dreambodyclinic.net facebook.com/dreambodyclinic Hi, this is Josh with dream body clinic. And the video you are going to see now is with my mom, getting her knees treated. She came with my stepdad who got treated too. My mom\'s been treated before. We have so far fixed her back, done the facial, and a few different things. This time she came for her knees, it was not at that point where she necessarily had to do treatment, but her knees were totally killing her. They were hurting her enough that she could not do orange theory fitness anymore. She had started doing those exercises and she is in her sixties. She probably should not have been doing a lot of those jumping exercises and stuff, but she is very competitive, and she wanted to see if she could beat the younger people in there. So, she beat up her knees, unfortunately, and decided to do some stem cells while she was here. She plays a ton of tennis too. None of these things are easier on her knees, but she is very into fitness and just wants to keep that going. We helped her out. We did 25 million stem cells in each knee. And she will be reporting back on kind of what she is seeing there. We will do an MRI next time. She is here just to kind of show you the progress, but we have treated a lot of people\'s knee issues. I have personally fixed a torn ACL and multiple meniscal tears on my right knee. You can see the MRIs before and after on the website. And we have treated hundreds of other people with knee issues, everything from osteoarthritis, torn meniscus to ACL tears, ligaments, tendons, just about everything you can think that can happen to a knee. If you would like to learn more about this, we would like to help you out. It is a great way to avoid surgery or like, in my mom\'s case, just to get you back out there doing the sports that you love. So many people wait too long. They wait until they really do need a knee replacement to contact us. And at that point, maybe we can help. Maybe we can´t. We are always straightforward with people. We like to see the MRI. If there is still a little bit of cartilage. It has a very high chance that we are going to be able to regenerate most of it. If there is no cartilage, we are not going to be able to, if a ligament or tendon is completely torn, we\'re not going to know if there\'s some gigantic bone or bone spur that\'s causing it. Well, the stem cells can keep it from getting bigger, but they are not going to eliminate it. So those would be the cases where we cannot help, but just about anything else. We can regenerate that tissue, the stem cells, they help you heal like you did when you were a little kid, they guide the cellular repair. They remove scar tissue. To learn more, get ahold of us. It is www.dreambody.clinic. There is a free PDF there you can download for more info and you can call us directly with any questions at 833 445 9089 thanks.' 

Tags: knee pain , stem cells , stem cell , osteoarthritis , knee injury , tendons , ligaments , dream body clinic , mesenchymal stem cells , mexico stem cells , puerto vallarta stem cells , acl tair

See also: sixpack , best fitness youtube , ku , tr , 200 , bikini model , weekly , 2017 , strong , kraft
