'Find the right path to better health'

'Doing the same thing you did before because you had immediate (temporary) results does not mean it’s the right path to take AGAIN.   Just because you are feeling desperate to get back to who you are and frustrated with the weight you’ve put on over the past year does not justify going on the diet that has you back at your starting weight or even heavier!   Trusting a health & fitness guru that has more interest in a 6 week transformation photo than the sustainable lifestyle changes that stick with a person means that you view your health as disposable or temporary.   Is this true?  If you wanted to build a business as a contractor, would you build framing without nails or put in as little work as possible just to get the paycheck but then 2 weeks later get a lawsuit because the house collapsed?  When you decide to put $50 into your health program that guarantees FAST results, you’re getting out as much as you put in. Does $50 set you back for the month? Probably not. You spent it on a meal delivered last Friday.   Going into your health and fitness journey with the expectation that it will be different this time BUT you go in with the same dieter’s approach WILL lead to failure and disappointment.  Going below your Basil Metabolic Rate—what you need to sustain life as a human—means you risk failure, disappointment, defeat, and weight gain with a vengeance.   Alter your approach. Change your course. Renew your perspective. Discover your potential.  Book a 1:1 consultation with me today.' 

See also: 40 , san , taste test , 19 , vi , workout video , zyzz , fat , Bikini , aeróbico

