'Active Enabler: Zuu Fitness, Triple CBD Series | GetActive! Singapore'

'Over five evenings, daily evening workouts which are traditionally done indoors were brought outdoors for participants to work out with a scenic view.   This is specially catered to the working adults as an after-work option to destress and get fit. Workouts are conducted in mass to encourage people to workout together, motivate each other to exceed their boundaries and maintain a healthy lifestyle with it being a mass workout.   SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE ----------------------------------------­­---------------------------------------­-­------- Subscribe to Sport Singapore\'s YouTube Channel at http://bit.ly/sportsgYT for more sports videos.' 

Tags: Sport Singapore , Singapore Sports , zuu fitness , getactive! , triple cbd series

See also: antren , coreograf , �cutting � , zumba dance , life , V Ups , C mon , kas yapma , lumowell , push

