'Welcome To The Food Bank (Community Channel TV Network)'

'Hey everyone! this is my latest college assignment. We had to choose to produce a documentary on a subject of our choice and I chose to make one about Food Banks within Bristol. It was really interesting interviewing everyone and speaking to people about food banks. They do a fantastic job at supporting people in poverty so if you ever get the opportunity to contribute or help out food banks then please do as they are an important source for many communities. Enjoy the doc! :)' 

Tags: Food , church , Documentary , Interviews , people , hunger , History , TV , tea , coffee , tesco , Christianity (Religion) , Bristol , Bank , cereal , poverty , wyatt , vox pops , food bank , Interview (TV Genre) , homelessness , Sainsburys , kirk , Morrisons , Documentary Film (TV Genre) , ASDA , birdy , People help the people , Mede foodstore , BNW , Knowle , Interviewee , City of Bristol College , College Green , COBC , Creative media production

See also: culturism romania , rep , six pack , eg , cours , school , Zuzana , chest , fitness challenge , Al

