'TheSirenNymph\'s Not So Serious Summary of Evil Food Eater, Conchita'

'Well the last \"Not So Serious Summary\" I did was pretty \"meh!\". It wasn\'t that good, but it wasn\'t the worst thing I ever mad either. I decided to make one for Evil Food Eater Conchita because there\'s plenty of Not So Serious Summaries for The Seven Deadly Sins Series except the Wrath because it doesn\'t exist yet and this one. So I decided to make a make one myself. This ended up much better than my summary for Daughter of White since it\'s funnier and when I sped up the voice for that video, it sounded annoying. Another eason I made this is because my sister read the lyrics for Epic Rap Battles of Evillious and she didn\'t understand any of it, so this is pretty much an explanation for her. Enjoy  See if you can fnd the three scary images I hidden in the video  ==What I said== So once upon a time in the Empire of Beelzenina, there was a warlord (or warlady, whatever) named Banica Conchita. Who ate food that would make normal people instead of doing something crazy like politics. Len and Rin were also two insane servants (why her only two servants are kids I have no idea) who are constantly screaming \"BOW DOWN  AND WORSHIP OUR GREAT MISTRESS CONCHITA, YOU FOOLS!!!!!!\". Anyways, one day her chef, Joseph Crim, asked for a vacation so Conchita fired him....by eating him, what a nice boss (WORSHIP CONCHITA!!!!). So after Conchita literally eats everything (and everyone) in the castle, she gets bored and decides \"Screw logic, I\'m eating myself\". So she dies, The End!  Update: Remember this was before the novel came out which in true Evillious fashion made things a hella of a lot more complicated' 

Tags: Anime , vocaloid , MEIKO , Evil Food Eater Conchita , mothy , Kagamine Rin , Kagamine Len , Not So Serious Summary

See also: home workouts , inter , split , Live , �hiit � , kickboxing , new , est , Celebrity , at home

