'Recipe Droog’s Diabetic Dog Food With Vitamin Therapy'

'Recipe - Droog’s Diabetic Dog Food With Vitamin Therapy INGREDIENTS: ●1 1/2 cups Kashi, Cooked (source of Chromium, B6, B1, Magnesium) ●1/2 cup cooked barley ●4 cups beef , cubed (Selenium, B6, B12, Manganese, Vanadium, alpha-lipoic acid, Carnitine) ●2 cups water ●1 teaspoon garlic , minced (significant blood sugar-lowering action as well as lowering lipids, inhibiting platelet aggregation,) ●1 -2 cup liver , sliced (the best sources of niacin, major source of A, Manganese, Biotin) ●1 -2 hard-boiled egg , chopped (B1, Biotin) ●2 cups spinach , chopped (source of Chromium, B6, Manganese, Magnesium, alpha-lipoic acid) ●1 cup green beans , chopped ●1/2 cup broccoli , finely chopped (C, alpha-lipoic acid) ●1 tablespoon canned pumpkin (100% pure pumpkin) ●1 teaspoon cold press wheat germ oil (Best source of E, reduces the risks for developing diabetic retinopathy or nephropathy, Magnesium) ●1 teaspoon brewer\'s yeast (alpha-lipoic acid) ●1 -1 1/2 cup prescription dog food ●1/2 cup homemade low sodium chicken broth' 

Tags: easy recipes , healthy recipes , dinner recipes , salad recipes , slow cooker recipes , cooking recipes

See also: exerci , workout class , Danza , jumping rope , games , comedy , cosm , mari , tonificar todo el cuerpo , tipps

