'Jane Fonda Abdominal Workout 1992'

'I\'m challenging myself and other women to a 1000 rep abdominal fitness challenge. The goal is to complete 1000 reps of abdominal exercises in any combination by January 1, 2021.   I am disabled so the typical style of workout routines aren\'t feasible for me. This is my 1st time partaking in a challenge of this kind.  This video is one of my favorite abdominal workout routines and it yields great results.   My advice for anyone participating in this challenge is to do what you can, keep track of your reps, stretch before and after your workout and most importantly, have fun!   Thanks for joining me in this challenge and keep me posted on your progress.   

See also: olive , stretch , 1 arm , UTAU , Freeze Dried , home fitness , Celebrity , Train , cardio at home , pour

