'ABC Fitness Industry Podcast - Bryan O\'Rourke: Understanding the Fitness Consumer of Tomorrow'

'Bryan O’Rourke – Understanding the Fitness Consumer of Tomorrow  Bryan O\'Rourke is the President of the Fitness Industry Technology Council, fitness industry thought leader, keynote presenter, investor, and club owner. He has a talent for anticipating trends in the industry technology space and joins Kelly Card on this episode to share his insights.   The fitness industry is changing - there’s no doubt about that. Kelly and Bryan discuss how the modern fitness consumer has changed in terms of their demands and expectations, and the role of technology in catering to and driving these experiences. They also dive into how business models within the industry are changing, and what the future will look like as the consumer, technology and even the industry itself changes. Tune in to find out more.  http://bit.ly/ABCFIIPBO' 

Tags: fitness , podcast , consumer , fitnessindustry , fitnesstechnology

See also: rut , Well , Total Master Fitness , Evil Food Eater Conchita , bodyweight , Guru Mann , workout 40 , bikini model , motiv , summer

