'200312  BODYWEIGHT (ZUU) . Preparation / warm up – . 10:00 mins trigger ball as this workout uses a fair bit of shoulders. Anterior delt smash Rotator cuff smash Tricep smash Chest to floor reach out. . Workout – . This is s 5 rounds for time session. If you\'re familiar with the moves and \'don\'t stop\' during a round, the secondary target is to complete a round every 5:00 mins e.g. if you finish @ 4:15 min, you\'ve 45 secs recovery. (not going to call it rest as it won\'t feel like it) . Buy in – . Nil . Movements - . 10x Frogs 2 Laps Bear crawl (up ad back 6 metres) 10x Snakes 4 L Bear crawl 10x Straddles 6 L Bear crawl 10x Polar bear press 8 L Bear crawl . Advice – . First timers, go at a steady pace. Familiar with this, the aim is to be like a locomotive and keep \'chugging along\' at the same pace. IF you need to pause, don\'t stop nor stand up, go into the AFrame rest position. AFrame is wide feet, hands down on floor and let you hips take the load. You\'re still active. . Finisher – . You won\'t want one. Up for a small additional ass whopping. 30x Kicksits for time (as fast as possible) . Post WOD – . Take 8:00 mins and stretch. Open the hips & chest.' 

See also: Music , Fitness Girls , gym motivation , abs workout , cel , rutina de cardio , New Year �s Eve , 4 7 20 , rep , Train

