'.Fitness is defined as being in good physical shape or being suitable for a specific task or purpose. An example of fitness is the status of your physical health. An example of fitness is someone who has the capability of solving a problem. : a practice or exercise to test or improve one\'s fitness for athletic competition, ability, or performance. 2: a test of one\'s ability, capacity, stamina, or suitabilityCardiovascular exercise is an exercise that gets your heart rate up. Though some people use it solely for weight loss, cardio has other benefits as well. Read on to learn more about what this type of exercise is, the benefits it offers, and how to create a safe and effective cardiovascular routine.   What Is Cardio? Cardio exercise, which is sometimes referred to as aerobic exercise, is any rhythmic activity that raises your heart rate into your target heart rate zone. This is the zone where you burn the most fat and calories.  Some of the most common examples of cardio include walking, cycling, and swimming. However, even household chores like vacuuming and mopping can qualify as cardio exercise.  Part of what sets cardio apart from other types of exercise—such as strength training—is that it relies on your body\'s ability to use oxygen during the workout session. A person\'s cardio ability or capacity can vary based on a number of factors.  Research published by the American Heart Association reports that genetics have a 20% to 40% influence over what you can do cardio-wise.1 Also, females tend to have a 25% lower cardio capacity than males and, for both sexes, this capacity tends to decline with age.   This is not to say that your genes, sex, or age will prevent you from improving your cardiovascular health. But it does help to know that there are many factors that can influence how (and how well) your body responds to cardio exercise.    Finding the Right Intensity for Your Heart Rate Training Zone Benefits of Cardio There are very few activities you can do for a short period of time that has all of the physical and mental health benefits that cardio exercise offers. Some of the known benefits of cardio include:   It Burns fat and calories, making it easier to lose weight Enhances sleep quality, especially if the exercise is moderate to vigorous in intensity2 Expands lung capacity, or the amount of air that your lungs can hold.#fitness https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQCWZ2zkGyW0m8tME3ug-i Amotivation,fitnessgram pacer test. Improves your sex life by increasing your body\'s ability to become aroused, improving your body image, and even potentially helping to treat medication-related sexual dysfunction3 Increases bone density when you do weight-bearing cardio exercises like hiking or climbing stairs Lowers stress, in part by improving your ability to cope with issues in a positive way4 Promotes feeling good, and can even help relieve depression5 and anxiety6  Improves confidence in how you look and feel Reduces risk of heart attack, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, and some forms of cancer7 Sets a good example for those around you, encouraging them to exercise with you8 Strengthens the heart so that it doesn\'t have to work as hard to pump blood How to Choose Cardio Exercise.' 

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