'Body Smart PT was initially founded under the name Julie Knighton P.T., P.C.   Practicing in the Ogden area for more than 33 years, Julie Knighton, PT became a bedrock member of the community.  She has helped thousands of people rid themselves of pain and become more active.  Julie’s passions revolved around fitness from the beginning of her career.   She began at the prestigious Cooper Clinic in Texas where she learned the principles and importance of leading a healthy lifestyle.  Her early practice focused mostly on relieving the pain of her patients so they could remain active.  She became an expert at treating back and neck pain and building a loyal following of patients.  As she further developed her practice she incorporated another of her passions, golf.  She quickly realized that golfers need a lot of help to stay fit and functioning on the course.  She became expertly trained on golf analysis through her Body Balance program and started helping golfers stay strong, pain-free and flexible.  She also shared her knowledge through writing articles for many years for the Fairways magazine as a local golf fitness expert.  She has helped thousands of golfers to stay on the course and to shave points off their game.  Julie is a well-recognized staple in the Utah golf community.  Through Julie’s practice she began to notice another large gap in our healthcare system affecting many people, weight.  Many of her patients and golf clients were held back from their potential because of some extra pounds.  From Julie’s time at the Cooper Clinic she knew that exercise and applying the right science was the answer to helping people get in better shape.  In response to this overwhelming need Julie formed Body Smart. Body Smart was a program where Julie would use cutting-edge technology to analyze patients’ metabolism.  She used this information as the basis for a total lifestyle transformation through diet and exercise modification. By giving her patients the most accurate information, Julie was able to empower her patients to have success and make lasting changes.  Julie’s effect on the health and wellness of the Ogden community is tremendous.  She has been heralded by many different organizations and groups and served in the community in many different capacities.  To learn more about Julie, check out this link from the Utah Golf Association about Julie’s accomplishments. http://www.uga.org/news/julie-knighton-first-woman-elected-as-president-of-ogden-golf-and-country-c/  In January of 2010 another great event happened at Julie Knighton, P.T., P.C.   A young DPT student from the University of Utah named Cameron Garber came to practice with Julie for about 3 months.  He was fascinated by Julies understanding of the importance of wellness and her practical application of metabolic testing.  He was a quick study and sought to learn all he could about how to help people make life changes with the information they could learn.  Julie was an excellent mentor.  She build a foundation and sparked and interest in Cameron which shaped the path of his career.  After graduation in the spring of 2010 Cameron began practicing at the University of Utah as neurological therapist.  Almost immediately he became the team lead of the outpatient stroke team working with other clinicians to build the outpatient stroke program.  Cameron loved helping patients with impairments due to stroke, brain injury, MS and a host of other neurological disorders.  Soon though, he became conflicted about the current health care model’s willingness to spend millions on treating preventable diseases.  This led him to pursue further knowledge in and opportunity to share what he had learned with Julie about metabolic testing.  Cameron founded his own metabolic testing company in 2013 called Metabolic Curve.  As this grew he decided to leave his position at the University and begin working on prevention therapy.  Using metabolic testing as the basis for his exercise prescription, Cameron began working in an outpatient orthopedic clinic to help people achieve lifelong wellness.  He worked on developing his practice patterns and sharpening his skills as an orthopedic physical therapist as well.  In June of 2016 Cameron was graciously given the opportunity to carry on the legacy left by Julie Knighton.  He is working hard to try to fill Julie’s shoes.  Armed with knowledge on spine care, IASTM treatment, sports performance, neurology and geriatrics; Cameron is excited to have the opportunity to help you.  His goal is to continue helping the community eliminate pain, improve your health and help you become your best self.  If you’re interested in learning more about Body Smart or reaching out to Julie please give us a call at 801-479-4471' 

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