'200318 STRENGTH, UPPER . Preparation / warm up – . 10:00 mins of a foam roller & trigger ball. Lower back specific. Pec smash. Anterior delt smash. . Workout – . 3 Sets of descending reps - 21, 15, 9 Use a pair of exercises. Take the tempo easy, focus on form. . Buy in – . Optional 2:00 min Assault bike. . Movements - Pair #1 BB Floor press & PL pull overs Increase the weight of BB each round Pair #2 BB Bent row (underhand grip) & KBS Pair #3 BB Shrug & PL front raises . Advice – . Focus on range of motion with the given weight. If no spotter, do a floor press on pair #1.  This is so you\'re in a safer position if you aim to go unbroken each round. . Finisher – . Optional 2:00 min Assault bike. . Post WOD – . Upper body stretches. .' 

See also: women s fitness , seat , YA , 10 minute workout , guru mann fitness , fashion , zdrowe cialo , summer , �fat , how to jump rope

