'200324 STRENGTH UPPER . Preparation / warm up – . 10:00 mins prep with band and trigger ball. Anterior delt smash Tricep smash Shoulder rotation Banded lat stretch . Workout – . Today is intervals using the EMOM format. Our aim - to get 10 solid reps at a decent weight in 30-secs then use the next 30-secs to recovery and transition to the next movement. Using this, we hit 300 reps in the 30-min session. Pick your weights wisely. . Buy in – . 2:00-min easy pace ski erg  . Movements - . DB Floor press Landmine hip2hip (also referred to as the torsonator in some circles) DB dbl tricep extension (or skull crushers) Landmine slg arm 45` press (5.5.) . Advice – . Select the weight to use throughout so it starts of fairly easy then gets harder the more rounds you do (aka fatigue) We are not aiming for failure I chose 25kg pair DB for floor press, 10kg pair for triceps & the 20kg BB with a single 20kg PL for landmine work. . Finisher – . Optional slow ski out . Post WOD – . 8:00 min dailystretch routine 2:00 Wall candle 1:00 Wall VSIt & reach (L.R) 1:00 Ballerina stretch (L.R) 1:00 Kneeling hamstring stretch (L.R)  .' 

See also: belly fat , kettlebell , six pack , build muscle , brust training , Live , usi , COV , �exercise , supplements
