'Skipping exercises – to reduce excess fat Rope jumping is a simple, easy-to-learn activity for fitness and burn excess fat.  A skipping rope also known as  (British English) or jump rope (American English)  This Video includes A. Selection of Skipping Rope B.  Steps C. Common Mistakes D.  20 – Techniques of Jump Ropes  A. Selection of a Skipping Rope 1. Choose the right jump rope.  - For beginners, a simple beaded jump rope is good - Rope has to rotate in the handle 2. Size of the rope.  A longer rope is ideal for beginners.  To size the rope, stand on the jump rope (in the middle of the cord), the BOTTOM of the jump rope handles should come up to the armpit. - Not too long and not too short.  B. Steps 1. Start with the hands in the \"ready\" position.  - Grip the handles loosely with the fingers, not with the Palms.  - A loose grip will allow for a natural and more efficient turn of the jump rope and allow for greater speed.  - Hold the jump rope in front with the hands together and the elbows in close to the body.  2. A toe catch - Practice For a beginner - Place the rope behind and turn the jump rope over the head.  - Catch the jump rope under the toes and lift up the heels and let it out from underneath the feet.  - Repeat many times to learn - In jump rope, practicing correct movements is the key to learning.  3. Pretend jump.  Jumping rope is all about timing the turn of the rope with the jump.  Try taking an imaginary jump rope and pretending to turn it over the head and jump rope with it.  Jump on the balls of the feet with the body fairly erect.  The heels should not touch the ground, and  the elbows should be near the sides with the wrists doing the work, not the arms.   5. Practice timing.  Another great way to practice correct timing is to place both handles of the rope in one hand and turn the rope at your side and jump. Try to coordinate both movements  (And, if possible, have somebody watch you to make sure the timing is correct).  6. Try the real thing.  Try to do a real jump rope.  Do it slow and study Practice well first, do one jump. Then two jumps. Then three,  etc.  C. Common Mistakes 1. Too much arm, not enough wrist:   • Don’t swing the arms to spin the rope, instead, use the wrists.   2. Jumping hunched over:  - Jump straight up and down with your butt and hamstrings absorbing the shock.  Do not bend forward and look down while skipping and hunching their shoulders.   3. Jumping too high and /or kicking heels up:   The cord or cable is no more than 5mm in diameter, so Jump rope should be a very low impact activity.  20 - Different Tricks of Jump Ropes. - Basic Jumps / Basic bounce is enough if you practice speed - 10 minutes for two weeks, to burn out calorie. Simple formula to calculate excess body weight is  - Height in cm - 100  20 – Techniques included are: 1. Single foot jumps 2. jog  steps  3. Skiers (side to side both toe together) 4. Bell (front and back both toe together)  5. Twisters 6. Forward straddle (Scissors) 7. Plyo cross ( Cross front & back) 8. Alternate steps 9. High knees 10. Butt kicks 11. Running Jog 12. One arm swing 13. Criss Cross 14. Heels 15. Heel to toe (front back) 16. Squat jumps 17. Double Unders 18. Side straddle 19. Side swing / (Side to side) 20.  Single foot double unders   Thank you' 

Tags: Angel health academy , How to do Skipping in Malayalam , How to learn Jump Roping in Malayalam , 20- Techniques of Jump Rope / Skipping in Malayalam , Jump Rope exercise to reduce obesity

See also: fut , unbox , ejercicios para adelgazar , Affiliates , Multi , female workout , capital , abdominal , beginner jump rope workout , hollywood
