'Summer Beach Fun Music & Dance-Zumba Fitness-ZumbaVSL-舞Wu\'sUp Studio-夏季海灘熱情音樂-簡易拉丁有氧舞蹈-尊巴-健身-瘦身操'

'ZumbaVSL/舞\'sUp Studio   If you liked this video, don\'t forget to give it a THUMBS UP, LEAVE A COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE to our channel and follow me on: 如果你喜欢这段视频,别忘了點讚,留下评论,订阅我们的频道并关注我:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/victoria.sha...​ Wu’sUp ZumbaVSL Twitter:https://twitter.com/VslZumba​ ZumbaVSL@VslZumba Check out my other dance video: ZumbaVSL/Wu’sUp Studio/Sneak on the Beach-2:37​     Hey, What\'s up guys? Welcome to 舞\'sUp Studio © 2021 and our channel VSL Zumba. The character you see here means \"Dance\"! It is pronounced as wu3 (the number indicates the tone). Being a linguist and an absolute Dance Fitness lover/instructor, my purpose is to bring you fun fitness workout wherever you are, whoever you are, and however you are as Dance has no boundary.   嘿,伙计们怎么了?欢迎来到舞\'sUp工作室© 2021和我们的频道VSL尊巴。你在这里看到的角色意思是“跳舞”!发音为wu3(数字表示音调)。作为一个语言学家和一个绝对的舞蹈健身爱好者/教练,我的目的是给你带来乐趣健身锻炼,无论你在哪里,无论你是谁,无论你是什么,因为舞蹈没有边界。  So what are you waiting for? Move Up and have fun! Dance Choreography: Victoria SL, 2021  Song: Beachfront Celebration  你还在等什么?動起來吧! 舞蹈编舞:维多利亚SL,2021年 歌曲:海滨庆典' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight loss , exercise , lose weight , ZUMBA , zumba dance , workout at home , 腹肌 , dance music , zumba music , zumba class , zumba at home , 生活 , zumba exercise , 減脂 , 瘦身 , Zumba kids , zumba classes , zoomba , zumba dance for beginners , 舞蹈 , zumba for beginners , 減肥操 , zumba for seniors , zumba step , zomba , zumba 2021 , Fitness Zumba , 瘦手臂 , dance to lose weight , zumba near me , best zumba videos , zumba 30 minutes , zumba classes near me , 尊巴的好處 , 尊巴課程 , 尊巴減肥 , 尊巴基本舞步 , 尊巴健身 , 性感贴身舞 , 熱舞 , 性感熱舞 , 誘惑 , 異域風情 , 拉伸 , 塑性

See also: Th , back workout , fitnessmotivation , weight loss transformation , �fitness � , jump rope training , 2021� 新健身舞蹈 , home , Lose Weight Fast , personal trainer

