'200401 KETTLEBELL STRENGTH . Preparation / warm up – . 1:00 Barbell forearm roll (L.R) 1:00 Hamstring roll (L.R) 1:00 Quad roll (L.R) 1:00 Glute Roll (L.R) . Equipment – . Bike (or Skipping rope) 1 pair KB\'s Rower / ski / treadmill . Workout format – . Format: For time (but not fast) Aim is to complete 4 rounds of the workout, but not at race pace. Do every movement with a slower tempo to focus on the time under tension. I don\'t mean \'longer\', jut concentrate on the working time in each rep. . Warm up (Buy in) – . 2:00 Bike @ moderate pace Optional - Skipping . The workout - . 6x Dbl KB DL 6x Sgl KB Swing 2 laps (1 = 15m up and back) Farmers carry 6x Dbl KB Clean 2 laps Dbl KB Rack walk . Tips / advice – . This is strength, so we are looking for heavy(ish) KB. This is so you \'go slow\', focus on form and it\'s to tax you. I chose 24kg pair for cleans and 32kg pair for everything else. . Finisher (Buy out) – . 1000m row or ski erg Optional - treadmill or driveway shuttle runs for 5:00. . Post Workout – . 1:00 Tricep stretch (L.R) 2:00 broom handle overhead stretch 1:00 Forward bend' 

See also: crossrope jump ropes , jump rope workout beginner , how to lose belly fat , sarah bowmar , Stan , OTF , strength training , abs � , treadmill , wahlberg
