'My Fitness Journey: Bully Juice Workout Plan Review'

'I\'m just so excited about all of the results that I\'ve been seeing after completing Bully Juice\'s 30 Day Part 2 Challenge and his 2 Week Fat Loss Challenge. Around the last week of May, I was weighing 193 lbs when my stomach was empty and around 195/196 lbs when I was full.......... to now weighing 172 lbs !!!!!!! That is 23 lbs y\'all !!!!! I just turned 23 and I lost 23 lbs, how ironic !!!!!!  My advice is to:  1.) Stay dedicated and motivated to complete your workouts EVERYDAY   2.) Eat right. You need to be eating your protein (fish, chicken, etc.), leafy greens (spinach, salad mixes, brussel sprouts, asparagus, etc.), and healthy fats (avocados, nuts, olive oil, eggs, etc.) *Remember Abs are made in the kitchen   3.) Get PLENTY OF SLEEP !!! You should be getting between 6 to 8 hours of sleep every night.  4.) Reduce your sugar intake, because it causes your body to store more fat which makes it much harder to burn previously stored fat. Stay away from foods and snacks that contain a lot of added sugars, artificial ingredients, flavor enhancements, and high fructose corn syrup. Also, cut out your refined carbohydrate intake. These consist of bread, cake, cookies, pies, etc. This was super hard for me, because I love all of those things !!!!!  Just stick to the process and give it your all and I promise you all will see results !!!!   *Also when you all see my before pic in the video just know that wasn\'t what I looked like at my highest weight. I didn\'t take a picture of myself when I was 195 because I was a little embarrassed of my pregnant looking gut as well as I wasn\'t for sure if this workout plan would actually work for me. Now looking back I regret not doing so, because you all would really have been saying, \"WOOOAAHHHH he really lost a lot of weight in his stomach region !!!!\"   Bully Juice\'s info: YouTube - BullyJuice   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK9JEqf7LBBx3tkrPx2xvbQ Instagram - @bullyjuice   https://instagram.com/bullyjuice?igshid=1x3urt1ue71sk  30 Day Part 2 Challenge Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLCV_PYugMjFsWjBI-hlyc7pAFLJ3voD  2 Week Fat Loss Challenge Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxLCV_PYugMgveRqv1Tx9Gz-Hb9-_IcEg' 

Tags: fitness , get fit , burn calories , transformation , bullyjuice , fitness journey , loose weight , weight loss journey , muscle up , mind over matter , change your habits , bully juice , weight loss check , fat blaster , 30 day weight loss challenge , Bully Nation , 12 Day Fat Loss Challenge , Change Your Lifestyle , Let's Get It , Bully Juice Workouts , BullyJuiceWorkout , Bully Juice Review

See also: Ges , ćwicz , fat loss , jak schudnac , classic , walk , �squats � , ISAZA , gesundheit , yoga

