'GRATITUDE ZWOW #16 Happy Birthday Zuzana!'

'Open Please-----------   Hello! :) I am dedicating this video to Zuzana, Happy Birthday Zuzana! :) I hope that this is the best Birthday yet :) I completed 3 full rounds plus 1 full set of the Renegade Rows...I also completed a whole other workout before this one! :) Needless to say...I am exhausted! But I feel oh so good :)   Make sure you go to http://www.facebook.com/zuzkalight http://www.twitter.com/zuzkalight and http://www.youtube.com/zuzkalight to keep up to date with her.  http://www.facebook.com/RTWSRealTimeWorkouts http://www.twitter.com/chel_c21806  Workout Breakdown: AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 15 minutes  1. Renegade Rows (10 reps) 2. Overhead Lunges (10 reps) 3. Squat Jump Burpee (10 reps) 4. Crab Touches (10 reps for each leg) 5. Sumo DeadLift High Pull (10 reps)  *Injury disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury, To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. Any user of this program assumes the full risk of injury resulting from performing the routines presented within this video.' 

Tags: Workout , abs , weight , core , strength , arms , light , burpee , Zuzana , LBS , zuzana light

See also: summer , kin , Pullups , entrainement , ejercicios para bajar de peso , zgrabne ciało , est , inter , sexy thighs , To

