'Nestled in a Brooklyn Park strip mall is a fitness center that doesn\'t take up much space, where the exercises don\'t take up much time, but talk to club members, and there\'s nothing compact about the kind of workout you get at 9Round. \"Thirty-five minutes tops, you\'re in and out,\" said Kelly Sturges of Brooklyn Park. \"And it\'s a better workout than you could get in two hours at the gym.\" Oh, did we mention that you also get to hit things? For Sturges, a former figure skater, she calls it a fun change of pace that breaks up the monotony of a typical gym. \"It\'s pretty nice,\" she said. \"Especially if you have a bad day at work, get a little aggression out, it\'s nice.\" At a 9Round gym, they have nine different stations, also known as \"rounds.\" Each round has a different exercise, and after three minutes, you move on to the next. \"I started as a member and I loved the workout so much that I wanted to become a trainer,\" said Danielle Ach, a trainer at the 9Round in Brooklyn Park. \"I had no boxing experience, I just loved the workout that it gave me, and I loved the feeling that I had afterwards.\" As a trainer, Ach works with the members to ensure that they know what they\'re doing as they rotate to the various stations. She says in a 30-minute workout, people can burn up to 500 calories. \"It\'s a lot of cardio,\" Ach said. \"You will be sweating a lot. But then you\'re also, when you\'re hitting or punching the bag, you\'re building muscle, cause the bags are a hundred and something pounds.\" The goal is to be dripping with sweat by the end of the 30-minute session, a mark that\'s easily achieved if you put in the effort. \"I love the 30-minute workout,\" Sturges said. \"It is the best workout I\'ve ever done in my life.\" The stations at a 9Round feature a combination of cardio, weightlifting and core work. There are no specific class times, so members can show up whenever they like to begin their workout. Delane Cleveland http://www.ccxmedia.org https://www.facebook.com/ccxmedia.org/ http://twitter.com/ccxsports http://twitter.com/ccxnews  Learn about our mobile app - http://bit.ly/CH12app  Channel 12 is on Comcast cable in the northwest suburbs of Minneapolis and includes the cities Brooklyn Center, Brooklyn Park, Crystal, Golden Valley, Maple Grove, New Hope, Osseo, Plymouth and Robbinsdale.' 

Tags: News , Cable 12 , Channel 12 , NWCT , Northwest Community Television , 12 News , 12 Sports

See also: YA , diät , pull up , ce , arms , rai , fit , mad , ni , haskell
