'Branding and marketing is core to any successful business.  To many it seems that every idea has been done and they default to basic techniques such as social media postings or a billboard on a highway.  To others though, branding and marketing is a challenge they welcome and excel at.  Our guest on this segment demonstrates that type of mentality.  Terry Blachek was one of the early founders of Orange Theory Fitness, a group fitness concept that takes your results to new heights using 60-minute classes broken into intervals of high-intensity heart rate based training. He has more than 25 years’ experience in the management, operation, sales, marketing and development of club companies in the health and fitness business.  He shares with the listeners the history and founding of Orange Theory Fitness which erupted onto the fitness scene 6 years ago and today is a franchise that has over 1000 locations across the US.  Growing upon the research and results of Ellen Latham who owned the first Orange Theory Fitness, the Founders saw an opportunity to grow via effective branding.  Terry was brought in to develop the brand and he explains the idea and concept behind the name of the club and how it has nothing to do with the fruit as Jamie first assumed years ago.  Orange Theory Fitness is not a traditional big box fitness model and focuses on group training sessions geared towards getting your heart rate in the target zone.  All participant’s heart rate is displayed on a board that everyone can see and by staying in their defined zone, maximum weight loss is achieved.  The workouts are fun and anyone of any shape or size can participate at their own pace, again shooting to reach just a target heart rate of which is not on the high end.  Maximum weight loss occurs at a lower elevated rate than it does at the higher elevated rate of safe cardiovascular work!  Terry talks about where Orange Theory fits into the fitness landscape, as that as a boutique alternative to larger big box options.  By utilizing the groups, they pass on the cost savings of one on one personal training sessions to the workout groups so you get the same level of results for a fraction of the cost.  Terry also advises on some of the economics of fitness clubs and we learn that a typical consumer will drive 8 to 12 minutes to a fitness center and fitness trends tend to last between 5 and 10 years.  We question Terry on whether or not Orange Theory Fitness is a trend or a fad too and he states that he gets that question almost as much as gets “What is Orange Theory Fitness?  Today, the brand has grown into 1000 locations and this development puts to rest much of the trend/fad talk that accompanies new concepts in fitness.  We learn some good insight from Terry on what it takes to operate a business successfully too.  Love what you do, work with or on an effective business model and be sure you are properly capitalized are the three key areas that Terry elaborates on.  Today, Terry spends the majority of his time in Austin & San Antonio, Texas as the Area Developer for Orange Theory Fitness and has a part time residence in Tampa Fla.   Terry has opened 10 Orange Theory Fitnesses in Tampa starting in 2011 and sold his interest in 2014 and 2016.  Terry brought Orange Theory Fitness to Central Texas in 2014 and today, there are 11 open studios in Austin/San Antonio with plans for 19 studios expansion over the next year in the region’s highest-growth areas. He is recognized for his thumbprint on this brand and considered one of the elite operators.  Take advantage of their free workout offer at any location to experience the Orange Theory difference and learn more about the brand at www.orangetheoryfitness.com.  Catch this complete interview on our YouTube Channel here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFgg1k-46SI and please subscribe for more entrepreneurial discussions.  Find out more about the program at www.tampabayradio.com and connect with us on Twitter @ThatBizShow!  Terry is also featured in the latest edition of EDGE Business Magazine which can be found here' 

Tags: talk , Business , radio

See also: Th , ki , gimnasio , Stella , su , Aerobics , bodybuidling , 100 , beauty , was
