'Iguana Pushups - ZUU TRAINING'

'Iguanas An Iguana is an overarching movement, similar to a “spiderman push-up”.  Executed correctly an iguana effectively works almost every muscle, joint, tendon and fascia in the body.  It is very effective workout for shoulder blades, biceps, triceps, core and obliques. It is a great movement to include in dynamic warm-ups. Key Points: Start off in a push-up position. Move left hand forward, step right leg forward to meet right hand. Perform push-up (chest down) in this position. Drive off, then alternate hands crawling forward. Travel with chest and pelvis low to floor.' 

Tags: iguana , zuu workout , zuu , spiderman push-up , Zuu training , IGUANA PUSHUP , IGUANA ZUU , CROCODILE PUSHUPS , ALIGATOR PUSHUPS , ZUU INDIA , TEAM ZUU , FITNOTIZE JEF , FITNOTIZE

See also: ful , alpha motivation , bigg , moto , TV , smukle cialo , brusttraining , sup , EJERCICIOS , Fitness Boxx Mona Vale

