'Tabata jump rope calorie burning workout'

'Hi Friends! This is a 4 minute calorie burning Jump Rope workout. Put the intensity in and you\'ll get a full body workout in 4min! No rope, no problem. Just shadow jump in place of a jump rope and get the same benefits.  Workout details~follow along with me; 20 second basic jump 10 second rest with side swings 20 second High Knees 10 second rest with side swings 20 second Double Unders 10 second rest with sideswings 20 second alternating foot 10 second rest with sideswings repeat twice  I post new videos every Tuesday and Thursday. Subscribe below and jump with me!   I love new workout ideas. Let me know what you\'re looking for and I\'ll come up with a routine to get us worked :-)  Thanks!  xoxo  Karly' 

Tags: beginner jump rope workout , Tabata Home Workout , jumping rope workout , mom home workout , busy mom workouts , JUMP ROPE TABATA WORKOUT , Jump Rope Fitness , jumprope workout , jumping rope workouts , jumprope workouts , full body jump rope workout from home , calorie burning quick jump rope workout , busy mom workout with kids , jumpingrope workouts , fast calorie burn home workout , mom workout kids

See also: �bodybuilding � , Zuzana , par , freeze dried food , shorts , 5 er , face m...Face , �cutting � , phil heath , low

