'How To Make Your Own Baby Food With Freeze Drying'

'How To Make Your Own Baby Food With Freeze Drying  With the capability to freeze dry just about anything, you can take the item and crumble it into a powder, then add water. You’ll make the best baby food without a lot of work or stress. Nothing like providing for your baby at the end of the world!  For more great freeze drying tips and tricks, check out my site: FreezeDryingMama.com  Save time and money!  ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️  I’M THE FREEZE DRYING MAMA!  I’m Bonnie and by day I work as a full time, USA Today Best-Selling Author with multiple pen names while homeschooling my 6 beautiful children, as well as running three other companies from my home. By night, I freeze dry everything I can get my hands on. I won’t say I’ve gone so far as to take the food off my kids’ plates, but I won’t say I haven’t either.  Research for one of my pen names that specializes in apocalyptic thriller fiction as well as other survivor fiction led me to an obsession in prepping. But I don’t want to pack away 52 tons of raw wheat. I want to go into the End of the World with Spaghetti O’s and ice cream sandwiches. With my freeze dryer, now, I can.  When I got the freeze drying (FD) bug, I had to share with my mother-in-law, Rhonda. She was so excited, she got her own! You’ll see some tips and recipes in here that are from her. She takes terrific pictures and she’s very precise – both are huge assets! I’m grateful for her enthusiasm to share and learn and I know you’ll get awesome info out of the work she contributes!  You’ll find tips and tricks for Freeze Drying your foods whether you’re looking to bolster your food storage, prep for a camp out, pack lighter snacks for a hike, or just come up with different ways to save your leftovers.  I’m also a huge keto eater. I’ve been eating the keto lifestyle for over a year now and most of my food storage has been centered around incorporating keto friendly foods. Surprisingly, this can be a lot of things. Click on the keto category under Foods and Recipes and you’ll find plenty of recipes and foods that you can freeze dry for your keto lifestyle – snacks, long term, or just a way to save room in your fridge. If you’re not interested in keto, but you’d like to eat all the foods, try anything we’ve got listed over in the foods and recipes section. One of my favorites and easiest is the raw egg powder!  One of my favorite things, is hearing from other Freeze Dryers. Don’t hesitate to join me at https://facebook.com/groups/freezedryingmama and let’s get real about Freeze Drying and how it can help our families.  ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ _____ BLOG -- https://freezedryingmama.com/blog INSTAGRAM -- https://www.instagram.com/freezedryingmama FACEBOOK -- https://facebook.com/groups/freezedryingmama ____ My Author  Vlog Channel — https://www.youtube.com/c/BonniePaulson #authortube' 

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