'Did the FDA lie to us about the food pyramid just to get paid?  Find out the reasons why the food pyramid exists. AND find out what it ACTUALLY was supposed to be before it was released in this video!  Subscribe to Pablito’s Way!   http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk2zuJeRutyMZSdoh0sltLA?sub_confirmation=1 New videos Monday through Friday!  New to Pablito\'s Way?  Start here! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC9umoxByMRJQoW_PzGK-n84iLQgbQyN2  Watch some of my favorite vids below…..  WEIRDEST Things Ever Found in Animals!  https://youtu.be/2TH1Xbt8l-c  11 Most Ridiculous Purchases by Floyd \"Money\" Mayweather! https://youtu.be/gjskIvCrG2Y  Here’s how and WHY the FDA lied to us about the food pyramid! Fat to blame? For decades, the US government had a simple message about diet: To avoid chronic illnesses like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, Americans should cut back on fat. But was fat ever really the problem here? The original American food pyramid suggested that the staple food of your diet - that’s the base of the pyramid – should be anywhere from six to eleven servings of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta. That’s every single day!  That’s, well, a LOT of food in general, and definitely a lot of carbs if you actually think about it. In the middle, you have fruit and veggies, meat and dairy.  At the top were fats. You were supposed to eat as little fat as possible.  Well, okay, maybe not as little as possible.  But definitely very sparingly.  Ancel Keys was an American physiologist who studied the influence of diet on health.  HE was the one who introduced the whole notion that a low fat diet is good for your health dogma back in the 1950s. His theory was that dietary fat raises cholesterol levels and gives you heart disease.  But guess what?  THAT was never really proven!  Over the next two decades, the scientific evidence supporting this theory remained ambiguous.  However, even with scientific results that were at best ambiguous, the case for fat was eventually settled not by science but by politics. FDA Intervention It began back in February 1977, when a Senate committee led by George McGovern published its first edition of \'\'Dietary Goals for the United States”.  The committee advised Americans to significantly reduce their fat intake in an attempt to make the nation as healthy as possible. The whole thing peaked in late 1984 when the National Institutes of Health officially recommended that all Americans over the age of 2 eat less fat. By that time, fat had become extremely unpopular.  It was becoming the guilty culprit for anything unhealthy!  The model American breakfast of eggs and bacon was well on its way to becoming a bowl of Special K with low-fat milk.  Let’s also add a glass of orange juice and toast!  That was a feast of refined carbs and sugars!  Here’s something interesting to know:  Carbs are the only macronutrient your body DOESN’T need.  Your body can survive on zero carbs for forever.  You can’t survive with zero fat or zero protein! Food Pyramid Introduction Why was the food pyramid introduced?  Back in the 1950s, there was an epidemic of middle-aged men dropping like flies because of heart attacks. Obviously, that’s not good for any society, so the government was trying to figure out what exactly was happening.  The cause, at least according to the experts, was too much saturated fat in the diet. How did they arrive at this assumption? First, they knew that a heart attack is caused by a blockage in an artery. They also knew that the plaque that’s causing the blockage was made up mostly of cholesterol. And because foods that are high in saturated fat also contain cholesterol, they came to the conclusion that a high-fat diet caused heart disease. The first dietary guidelines in 1980 were designed specifically to combat heart disease.  At that time, fat was public health enemy number one! The solution appeared clear: cut down on the fats.  That meant no foods such as butter, whole milk, hamburgers, or steaks. Public Enemy #1 Consumers zeroed in on low-fat foods.  But that didn\'t necessarily mean they adopted healthy habits overall. It’s not like people suddenly started eating spinach and kale over red meat and butter. They simply just replaced the fat with processed low-fat junk food!  The government basically was endorsing licensed products when it unveiled the food pyramid in 1992. Foods such as bread, cereal, rice, and pasta formed the base of the pyramid, suggesting that carbs should make up the majority of your diet. So what did companies do?  Of course, they rushed to create products that were low in fat, but high in sugars, starches, and carbs!  The year the food pyramid debuted, Nabisco introduced its line of low-fat and nonfat SnackWell\'s cookies.  They became extremely popular.  Grocery stores could barely keep them in stock!' 

Tags: Health , nutrition , FDA , obesity , facts , World News , public health , Wrong , food groups , Food Pyramid , didn't know , History of USDA Nutrition Guides , Who Invented the Food Pyramid , the food pyramid , obesity epidemic , America Uncovered , is the food pyramid healthy , is the food pyramid upside down , the food pyramid is wrong , us food pyramid , food pyramid obesity , did the food pyramid make us fat , food pyramid is wrong , food pyramid wrong , Did the FDA Lie to Us Just to Get Paid?

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