'Increase your pullups! These methods are the same methods I\'ve used to train to get up to 25+ SOLID pullups without leaving the bar. You can get there too! Make sure to pay attention to each technique, even the ones that seem easy for you. They will ALL help you get better at improving your pullup strength. For the easier exercises, do burnout drill (high rep count). For the harder ones, focus on form with lower rep ranges but higher sets, and definitely everyone should be integrating negatives to their routine, regardless of your current skill-level!  Don’t forget to LIKE & SUBSCRIBE!  

Tags: training , how to do pullups , increase pullups , how to do more pullups , how to do a pull-up , increase pullup strength , alternate pullup exercises , how to max pullups , how to do more then 10 pullups , be able to do more pullups , do more pull-ups , can i do a pull-up , us army soldier fitness , soldier pullups , ranger school pull-up , sfas pull-up , airborne school pull-up , special forces pullups , special forces fitness , pull-up negative , trx strap training , trx pull-up , pull-up 101

See also: Muscula , espn , fitness blender , cardio at home , mission india fit , how to freeze dry , Music , calorie , deadlift , working out
