'The Vision Fitness X30 elliptical trainer is one of the most eagerly awaited products to hit the market in a very long time. While Vision Fitness has always been known to create exceptional products, there were those who said an elliptical priced around $1000 could not feel and perform like the \"high end\" machine price...d $3000 and higher. They were wrong and Vision Fitness has done it! To say the very least, the Vision Fitness X30 elliptical is as smooth as glass and as solid as a rock! The Vision Fitness X30 elliptical trainer is loaded with high-quality comfort features. The narrow pedal spacing allows you to truly replicate a natural walking or running motion. The flatter ellipse also produces a more comfortable stride. The stationary handlebars feature contoured heart rate grips for easy checks of your heart rate. There are 3 different electronic display consoles to choose from. The Vision Fitness X30 Simple Elliptical - The Vision Fitness X30 Deluxe Elliptical - and the Vision Fitness X30 Premier Elliptical As shown below, each of the electronics displays will allow any user to find exactly what they need to stay motivated and informed while exercising.' 

Tags: dallas , fitness equipment , ellipticals , Busy Body , Vision Ellipticals , x30 , x20 , busybody , ft worth

See also: The CrossFit Games , light , diät , weightlifting , Aerobics , athlete , flat stomach , gym direct , bizeps , Class
